The Middleton Calendar posts Events and Activity Programs sponsored by the Middleton Recreation Department, events and activites hosted by non-profit organizations in the Town of Middleton, and Middleton Town Council meetings.

For other event information follow links to “Valley Events” or “Valley Family Fun”.

Events Calendar

IODE Rummage Sale
Friday 25 October 2013, 01:00pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 1012
Contact Valerie Davis, 532-2739

IODE Annual Rummage Sale

Please support your local IODE by placing unwanted clothes and household
items on your front steps on Oct. 25th by noon.  The IODE will pick up for the 
Rummage Sale the same afternoon from 1-3 at the Community College.
Location NSCC, Annapolis Valley Campus Middleton