Recreation & Community Development
These services fall under the umbrella of the Middleton Recreation and Community Development Department. All Town-managed open spaces, parks, recreation facilities, recreation, leisure and active-living services are the responsibility of this Department. Each considered an essential link in the overall health and well-being of the community at large.
The Recreation & Community Development goal is to ensure every resident and visitor is provided with only quality services, programs, facilities and opportunities - working cooperatively to improve the quality of life for all
They provide the following services: Operation of the Town’s seasonal Visitor Information Centre, Summer Activity Programming for Children and Youth, Seasonal Recreation & Leadership Training & Staffing, Active Living Initiatives, Senior Programming, and Recreation Events.
Physical Activity Strategy -
click here
To get in touch with Middleton Recreation contact:
Recreation and Community Development
Phone: (902) 825-4841 #3
Fax: (902) 825-6460
Middleton Town Hall
131 Commercial Street
P.O. Box 340
Middleton, Nova Scotia
B0S 1P0