The Middleton Calendar posts Events and Activity Programs sponsored by the Middleton Recreation Department, events and activites hosted by non-profit organizations in the Town of Middleton, and Middleton Town Council meetings.

For other event information follow links to “Valley Events” or “Valley Family Fun”.

Events Calendar

Circuit Training
Wednesday 01 May 2013, 06:00pm - 07:00pm
Hits : 13995
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

No program on 6 Mar or 01 Apr

Circuit Training webpostAdult Circuit training start again on Jan. 14th at AEES.

This class is sure to get your heart rate pumping! A total body strength and aerobic workout that has participants come back year after year.

For more information call Jen or Jodie at the Middleton Recreation Department. 825-6611

pdfDownload the poster