The Middleton Calendar posts Events and Activity Programs sponsored by the Middleton Recreation Department, events and activites hosted by non-profit organizations in the Town of Middleton, and Middleton Town Council meetings.

For other event information follow links to “Valley Events” or “Valley Family Fun”.

Events Calendar

Local Author & Genealogist presents: Grace's Secret
Saturday 22 December 2018, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Hits : 274
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Local Author & Genealogist presents: Grace's Secret
Saturday, Dec 22, 2018 02:00pm to 03:00pm
Grace's well guarded sixty year old Secret is lovingly revealed and  
solved with much jubilation. This is entwined with many family  
memories, genealogy, Annapolis Valley history from circa 1755 and  
small farm life from 1900 - 1975. Author Nancy Palmer Hussey was born  
and raised in Middleton. She is a spirited storyteller who has always  
felt a close connection to her family history and the Annapolis  
Valley. Copies of Grace's Secret will be available for sale and  
signing.  Please register online.